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New portrait photos

The most interesting object for the photographer is probably a man. Five photographers will take a picture of the same person quite differently.

There are no trifles in a work of portrait photographer. Pose of a model, background, light, makeup - depends on the quality of the photoportrait. However more important factor is the mood of the model, its internal condition and emancipation. It reveals some unexpected skills needed for Portrait photographer. He must be a psychologist, have a good sense of humor, ability to create atmosphere and mood of the model.

You will see the the works of outstanding portrait photographers of our time, and learn the lessons of portrait photography.

Portrait photography - this is what every photographer has to face. Portraits is not as easy to do as many people think. It is insufficient to simply ask the person to smile and wait for "birdie", no - portrait photo is much more complicated. If you are going to do such images on order, you should find a couple of minutes to read this article.

So, what should you pay attention, going to make close up photography?

  • Choose the right background

    Properly selected background should focus on the observer the person you are photographing

  • Focus on the eyes

    As the saying goes "eyes - a mirror of the human soul". Highlighting the eyes, do not forget about the emotions - you can ask the person to smile, frown, portray anger.

  • Lighting, more lighting

    Of course, this does not mean that the person you are photographing, it is worth to send an array of lamps and pictures of him. No, the point is that lighting plays a very important role in creating quality portrait photos. By the way, in the light of the sun is quite difficult to photograph

  • Positioning

    Correctly chosen position for photographing - is another key criterion for getting a good portrait photo. Do not limit yourself to the horizontal or vertical photos. Try taking pictures from different angles, including all unreal.

Tags: Portrait
Author: boburalim

Tags: Portrait
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Tags: Portrait
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